Nice app - with problems
-Clean, uncluttered interface
-Fast and simple note-taking, in OS X and iOS
-Fast syncing to the Simplenote server and between devices
-Fast search
-Tagging works well
-the list view in iOS is a nice feature - wiping from the left deactivates items without deleting them, retapping reactivates them, list view shows up in OS X as - list, deactivated as -X
-Direct Dropbox syncing from the Simplenote server does not work. First sync takes several hours to start, then - nothing for weeks. Manual sync works, but not when repeated at a short interval. (Sync in OS X with nVAlt - and from there to Dropbox - did not prove reliable, but maybe it is fixed now. Why sync to Dropbox on top of the Simplenote server? I just want a second backup, I also sync my iCloud documents to Dropbox as well. Direct syncing without nVAlt, or another Mac app, would - could! - have made for instantaneous syncing to both, without having to open my laptop for that) These problems are aggravated by the absence of support:
-Support - for premium users! - is nonexistent. Out of three support request mails, about various issues, sent six weeks, three weeks and one week ago respectively, only the second one has been answered up to now; the delay was ten days. Lack of support is the most annoying thing about Simplenote.
PianoDSfun about
Simplenote - Notes and Memos, v1.0.4