I definitely love its simplicity in terms of appearance, but I don’t think that means it has to be so simple in terms of its functionality.
Don’t get me wrong. I love the simplicity and the tagging, but these could be a little more functional. Here is what would earn it 5 stars for me:
- Allow some basic formatting. I agree with other users on this one.
- Allow basic attachments, even just pdfs and photos would be fine.
- Allow more than just one-word tags. I get around this by adding a hyphen, ex. “stocks-sold”. But I would prefer individual tags like “stocks” and “sold” to …
- Allow me filter to my results by being able to choose more than one tag. This could be done by allowing me to Cmd-click (on Mac) or double-tap (on iOS) in the left column on the tags I want to see. For example, Cmd-click/double-tap on “stocks” and then Cmd-click/double-tap on “sold” to see just those stocks that I’ve sold. (Does this make sense? Sort of like being able to Cmd-click on different photos in a photo browser to individually select just those photos I want to export or make a change to.)
Liefighter about Simplenote - Notes and Memos, v1.0.17